Nature of Asceticism in Hinduism and Its Impacts on a Society


Dr Mumtaz Ahmed Jasvi,Zakir Ullah,Dr Malik Kamran


 Hinduism is a dominant religion in India and in minority in other countries. So there is great difference between the social and cultural values of Hindus of Europe and India. In India, Hindus can sacrifice a widow in Sati practice but in Europe they are unable to do such activity. In India, Hindu can marry a ten year old girl but in Europe or America they can’t do this. It is reality that in India, by Hindus, the teachings of Hinduism are not totally practiced. It is also reality that with the passage of time many changes have occurred in Hinduism. This paper is to highlight the Hindu ascetical activities in Indian (Hindu) society. The main objective of this study is to elaborate the impacts of Hindu ascetical activities on their society. Descriptive research method has been used for this study.
