انسان کا حق تصرف انفرادی اور اجتماعی ملکیت کے تناظر میں
"Many verses of the Holy Qur'an clearly recognize the right of individuals to own and dispose of property, including land, fields, gardens, houses, produce, riding and beasts of burden. , seagoing vessels, cash capital, and other items are owned by individuals. During the blessed era of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), people used to own all kinds of property and do all the lawful disposal of them. It was common practice to give cash capital to an entrepreneur on the principle of keeping it safe, investing it in a business, lending it, or sharing in the profits. The practice of keeping riding animals for personal use and driving these animals for hire was also a factor. Individuals used to own their residential houses. Cultivating the land, planting gardens and being considered the owners of their fields and gardens, these properties were bought and sold and distributed among their heirs after the death of the owner. The Prophet himself and Akbar Sahabah (RA) used to own all kinds of property, use it for personal use, or use it for business purposes. The Sunnah is the rate of the Qur'an and the true meaning of these verses in the light of the Sunnah is that individuals have the full right to own property, both consumables and the prevailing means of birth.
The Holy Qur'an has declared trade as a legitimate practice, laid down detailed rules of inheritance and made it a crime to steal the property of others, all of which indicate that individual ownership is considered Muslim. The practice of individual ownership of consumables and means of birth was common even before the Prophet's mission. Even if there was no positive declaration of recognition of individual ownership in the Qur'an and Sunnah, it would have been considered according to the general rule of Sharia that Islam is giving a certificate of legitimacy by keeping silent on this custom has recognized and the Prophet (PBUH) has made this fact more clear through his numerous sayings.

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