اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان میں امن وسلامتی کا قیام (عصر حاضر کے تناظر میں تحقیقی مطالعہ ) ESTABLISHING PEACE AND SECURITY IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN (A RESEARCH STUDY IN THE CONTEMPORARY CONTEXT) Section Islamic Studies


Dr.Hafiz Muhammad Imran,Khalid Mehmood Shah,Dr.Hafiz Muhammad Hafeez Tahir,Dr.Muhmmad Iqbal Khan


The journey of establishment of Pakistan started from the early 17th century and continued till the middle of 20th century. What does Pakistan mean? There is no god but Allah. Under this slogan, Pakistan came into being, in which millions of people sacrificed their lives for the survival of this ideology, the aim of which was to establish the system of Allah on this earth, where the system of justice prevails. May the rulers and the people of this country submit to obedience to Allah and His Messenger and adhere to Islamic law. Islam is a religion of peace and security. The Qur'an and Sunnah have taught us the lessons of peace, harmony, unity and brotherhood. The enemies of Islam, Islam and Pakistan cannot stand. They want to weaken and defeat the Muslims by fighting among themselves. Allah Almighty has naturally endowed Pakistan with all the resources that are sufficient to meet all the needs of the people here. Every school of thought is free in Asia and especially in Pakistan. Here, in general, every group is a follower of religion and they consider themselves one hundred percent right and the other one hundred percent wrong. For this reason, the establishment of peace and security is not visible from afar. Work together for peace and stability of Pakistan.
