پاکستانی ادب پر کارل مارکس کے نظریات کا اثر


طاہرہ آس,رانا مبشر لطیف خاں,روبیہ مریم


The ideas of  Karl Marx's  have left a deep and lasting impression on Pakistani literature. Under the influence of these ideas, Pakistani writers have included important themes such as social injustice, class division, exploitation of the poor and labour rights in their writings. On the basis of Marx's ideas, a new consciousness was born in the literary world, which made the writers more sensitive and active towards social problems. The Marxist approach has tried to merge literature and society into one. He has tried to adopt every realistic approach that has arisen in the society. Marxist literature is connected with the life of ordinary people. Which reveals their political, economic, social and moral aspects. The Pakistani poets and writers who have presented realism in literature keeping in view the social activities and social life, that literature falls under the category of Marxist literature. Marxism influences both society and literature. Where Marxist ideology has influenced other schools of thought, Pakistani literature could not remain without being influenced by it.
