شاهه عبداللطيف ڀٽائيءَ جي شاعريءَ ۾ ٿر جي سماجي قدرن جو اڀياس


Dr. Phuloo `Sunder` Meghwar,Dr. Barkat Ali Dahri,Mr. Hansraj Hans Oad,Mr. Farman Ali Shar


Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai was fond of observing all parts of ​​Sindh, mainly Thar. Thar is culturally rich and naturally beautiful. Therefore, he visited Thar, variously. He observed the social life, cultural colors, and psychology of the Tharis, which sketched a deep impact on his thinking. As a result, he prioritized Thar and its environment in his poetry. The land of Thar, its environment, culture, customs, seasons, and people, despite the poverty, hunger, misery, and disease, and not giving up their passions and loving them and rejoicing in the soul everything that is related to their land. Hospitality, freedom, bravery, social and religious tolerance, humaneness, and character, considering one's ancestors and one's family to be greater and more reliable than the kingdom, simplicity, truth, loyalty, beauty, one's culture, trees, birds, animals. Love with others and living a free life etc., Shah Latif saw all the qualities in Thar. He presented them in his poetry, and by highlighting the greatness of humanity, he taught, how to be a complete human being and taught the lesson of an ideal society.

This study explores the social values of Thar as reflected in the poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, a revered Sufi poet of Sindh. Through an in-depth analysis of his verses, the research delves into the cultural, moral, and ethical norms prevalent in the Thar region, as depicted by Bhitai. The poet’s work not only captures the essence of Thar's landscape but also mirrors the values of resilience, and communal harmony that characterize its people. By examining Bhitai's portrayal of themes such as love, sacrifice, and social justice, this paper sheds light on the enduring relevance of these values in contemporary society. The findings underscore the significance of Bhitai's poetry as a rich source of understanding the socio-cultural fabric of Thar and its influence on the broader Sindhi cultural identity.
