خطباتِ اقبال کا اردو ترجمہ " مذہبی افکار کی تعمیرِ نو " از شریف کنجاہی( تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ )
“Iqbal’s English sermons, published in 1930, play a vital role in reshaping Islamic philosophy. His unique blend of ideas has yet to be matched. Iqbal's work masterfully addresses core issues in Islamic research and modern philosophy, presenting solid arguments that remain unparalleled. Since the creation of Pakistan, four regular Urdu translations of the book have been presented. However, Nazeer Niazi's translation work was regarded difficult due to his complex language and intricate terminology which left the need of new translations. Following Sharif Kunjahi's 1977 Punjabi translation, he again took on the task, producing a 1992 Urdu translation titled “Mazhabi Afkar ki Tameer-e-Nau”. Moreover, Iqbal’s deep philosophical English discourses still require translation in to accessible language for broader understanding. While Sharif Kunjahi's Urdu work is commendable, it could not escape influence of his native Punjabi language and lacks precision in translating Quranic verses, and Persian references, limiting its appreciation. Nevertheless, Kunjahi's work remains engaging, showcasing a unique blend of Punjabi and Urdu styles reflective of his temperament.”

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