Critical Analysis of The Enchanted Garden under Propp’s Model
"Enchanted garden" typically refers to a magical or fantastical garden that is often portrayed in literature, art, or folklore. The term evokes a sense of wonder and enchantment, suggesting that the garden is not ordinary but possesses magical or mystical qualities. In various stories and myths, an enchanted garden may be a place where magical creatures dwell, where plants have extraordinary properties, or where the atmosphere is imbued with a sense of otherworldly beauty. Enchanted gardens are common in fairy tales and fantasy literature, often serving as settings for adventures or as places of refuge and transformation. Propp's model, focusing on the structure of folktales, can be applied to narratives featuring enchanted gardens. In the context of an enchanted garden tale, the hero, often a protagonist seeking adventure or a transformative experience, may receive a mandate or quest that leads them to this magical realm. The enchanted garden itself may function as the sought-after place, embodying the magical or mystical elements typical of Propp's narrative functions. Within the garden, the hero may encounter a variety of characters representing Propp's categories, such as a donor providing magical objects or information, a villain opposing the hero's presence, or helpers aiding in navigating the garden's challenges. The princess or sought-for person could be a symbolic element within the garden, representing an ultimate goal or revelation. The dispatcher, typically an initiator of the hero's quest, might set the hero on the path to discover or access the enchanted garden. Thus, Propp's model can be a useful lens to analyze the roles and functions of characters within the structure of a tale featuring an enchanted garden, providing insights into the narrative dynamics and thematic elements at play. This article critically analyses the literature of “Enchanted Garden” in its relation to Propp’s model.

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