رقیہ شرعیہ،"شرعی دم" شارحین ِصحیح بخاری کا مؤقف RUQYAH SHARIAH, "SHARI'I DUM"OPENIONS OF EXPLAINERS OF SAHIH-UL-BUKHARI Section Islamic Studies
Every blowing that contains divine names and invocations is useful in all kinds of spiritual and physical diseases.The Prophet ﷺ has especially described it as very useful in the case of bad eyesight, fever or poisonous sting.In the same way, it is permissible to recite the verses of the Holy Qur'an, supplications and words in which there is no suspicion of shirk and disbelief and which have been proven useful by the experience of the jurists and muhadditheen.Non-Qur'anic rakyats were offered in front of Him (PBUH).when He (PBUH) heard the words of Dum and if there were no mistakes or doubts in it, He (PBUH) would give permission to do dum with these words.This makes it clear that every breath and breath that does not involve shirk and the words are not ambiguous can be taken as a remedy. While this highlights the usefulness of inhalation for various diseases and disorders. it also proves the justification of modern methods of treatment. Therefore, inhalation is very important for the treatment of psychological and spiritual diseases. Therefore, it is often Scholars and Muhadditheen, in the light of their personal experiences and observations, treat a particular disease with specific verses or authentic prayers, then Allah grants them healing. Today's society has become a victim of superstition, misguided priestcraft, due to academic and practical weaknesses in the present age. Especially in the Indian subcontinent and Pakistan, this superstition is common. There are also theories. Some people believe in Dum/blowing and some believe in non-blowing. There are many groups on this matter in Pakistani society. It is necessary to understand it in the light of the scientific ideas of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) and its commentators,explainers and the intellectual and academic unity in the society should be promoted.

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