موضوع احادیث کے بارے میں مسلکی رجحانات:مختلف مکاتب فکر کا عصری تناظر میں تحقیقی جائزہ Sectarian Trends about Fabricated Ḥadiths: A Critical Analysis of Different Schools of Thought in the Contemporary Context Section Islamic Studies
This study undertakes a nuanced examination of fabricated Ḥadiths, putting them within the multifaceted tapestry of sectarian trends in present-day Islamic approach towards the sayings of the Holy Prophet. Hadith is considered the second most important source of Islamic Sharaih accodinf to Muslim scholars. Moreover, Hadith is the authentic source of Quranic exegesis. Some wicked people started to create Hadiths during the era of Rashidah Caliphate. There were different objectives behind this approach and it can be classified in to different categories such as political or tribal prejudices, different religious trends, cultural and social contradictions etc. The greatest uprising of modern-day era is to narrate the Hadiths about virtues in particular and in the chapter of theology in general. The worthless stuff is being described and attributed to the Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Moreover, sectarian inclination has added fuel to this trend. This article will expose these trends about unfolding the status of fabricated Hadith.

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