إنجاز الحاجة شرح سنن ابن ماجه میں راویانِ حدیث کا تعارف: منہج واسلوب کا تحقیقی جائزہ
“Injaz al-Hajah Sharh Sunan Ibn Majah” was written in Arabic by Muhammad Ali Janbaz, a renowned scholar from Pakistan. In this book, after verifying each hadith, he identified its authenticity and weakness, and also provided brief biographies of the narrators mentioned in the hadith. This research encompasses the commentator's adopted approach in introducing the narrators of hadith, where: Verbatim quotes are taken from basic sources and references. Statements are concisely paraphrased, omitting names of teachers and students. Selective references are made to the opinions of prominent Imams of hadith criticism regarding the authentication and weakening of narrators. The commentator mentions the opinions of scholars of Rijal (biographies of narrators) without referencing specific books. Sometimes, he quotes from sources by mentioning their names. As needed, the commentator also provides the correct pronunciation of the names of narrators. He concisely mentions the biographies of shared narrators found in Sahihain (Bukhari and Muslim) and Sunan Ibn Majah. Sometimes, the commentator considers a narrator's presence in Sahihain sufficient and doesn't provide their biography. For Sunan Ibn Majah's unique narrators, the Imams' opinions are noted. He clarified that although there are many unreliable narrators, trustworthy ones also exist. In Injaz al-Hajah, the commentator has kept personal commentary on narrators to a minimum. After mentioning the differences of opinion among the Imams, he rely on Ibn Hajar's statement. Rarely, he express his personal opinion.

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