آب حیات ازمحمد حسین آزاد: تجزیاتی مطالعہ


ڈاکٹر نورین کھوکھر, ڈاکٹر عتیق انور, صولت طاہر


Ab-e-Hayat" is a literary work written by Muhammad Hussain Azad, which is considered a modern tazkira (biographical dictionary) of classical poets. In Ab-e-Hayat, Azad presents a formal theory of Urdu literary history. The book contains the history of Urdu prose and poetry.

Unlike previous tazkiras, Ab-e-Hayat presents a balanced analysis of criticism, biographies, and poetry. The book features a unique blend of storytelling, literary criticism, and impressionistic prose. In terms of writing style, Ab-e-Hayat holds a timeless position in Urdu literature.

The book is adorned with elegant language, refinement, and delicacy. Ab-e-Hayat provides a detailed account of the history of Urdu language and literature. Azad divides the literary history into five periods, starting from Wali and ending with Mir Anis

This book is significant both historically and critically, making it a valuable resource for scholars and literature enthusiasts alike
