Modernizing Islamic Education: Overcoming the Secular-Religious Divide and Embracing the Legacy of Naquib al-Attas in Malaysia's Intellectual Evolution
This article explores the modernization and challenges of Islamic education in the context of overcoming the long-standing duality between secular and religious education. The impact of colonization has significantly affected the core of Muslim identity, creating a divide between religious and secular knowledge systems. However, scholars and thought leaders in Malaysia, particularly Naquib al-Attas, have played a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. Naquib al-Attas not only provided a solid intellectual foundation for the integration of Islamic thought with modern educational practices but also contributed to the development of Islamic education in distinct phases. This article examines the historical background, philosophical foundations, and intellectual contributions of al-Attas in shaping the modern landscape of Islamic education in Malaysia, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional religious teachings and contemporary knowledge. Additionally, the article sheds light on the overall challenges of the 21st-century world, where the rapidly changing needs earners, especially the need for Islamic identity, are addressed through effective curriculum and pedagogical skills.

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