المقارنة بين تفسير الكشاف وتفسير ابن عطية من خلال القضايا المتعلقة بعلم الكلام (سورة البقرة نموذجا)(دراسة مقارنة) (COMPARISON BETWEEN AL-KASHSHAF’S INTERPRETATION AND IBN ATIYAH’S INTERPRETATION THROUGH ISSUES RELATED TO THEOLOGY) Section Articles


حافظ محمد رمضان ,دكتور شاهد حبيب


This is a comparative study of two important and pioneer commentaries of the Holy Quran, one of them is the commentary of Allama Jarullah Zamkhshri and the second one is the commentary of Ibn e Attia, both of the interpreter are considered authority in this regard and it is interesting to know that both of them were live in the same era. In this research paper the study has focused on the methodology of both authors regarding description and explanation the issues related to the basic faiths and principals of Islam due to their affiliation with different school of thoughts in this regard, as zamakhshari represent ‘’ Muttazilat” a well-known school of thought in the field of “Ilm-ul-Kalaam”) philosophy (which is fully dependent upon ration and logic while Ibn e Attia is the representative of Ahl-e-Sunnat who admitted the superiority of revelation and divine direction concerned to the issues of faith, therefore both of the commentaries represents different school of thoughts. I have tried to explain in this research paper the method and stance of commentators regarding relevant issues and as stated in their school of thoughts.
