
Muhammad Saleem,Dr. Hafiza Sadiya Iqbal,Zainab Masood,Maryam Tariq


In educational setting, the workplace climate is the blend of principal’s behavior and teacher’s behavior. Organizational climate is one of the factors that explicitly or implicitly influences the level of creativity of teachers. This study was aimed to identify the workplace climate and teachers job creativity at university level. The survey research method was used in this study. For data collection, two instruments named Questionnaire on Workplace Climate (QWC) and Questionnaire on Teachers’ Creativity (QTC) were adapted and collected data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistics i.e. mean and standard deviation and inferential statistical analysis technique (e.g. Pearson r). The results of the study revealed that fairness with employee and their security at workplace may positively strengthen the level of trust of teachers and they become more creative in their teaching which eventually advances their students’ knowledge. The major implication of this study is to create a balanced workplace climate in universities.



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