The study was aimed to find out the relationship of decision making styles of academic managers with faculty commitment and quality assurance in public sector universities of the Punjab province of Pakistan. The sample of the study was comprised of 186 academic managers and 940 teachers (lecturers and assistant professors) teaching at university level. Multi stage random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Three instruments were used for data collection named as Decision Making Styles Questionnaire (DMSQ), Quality Assurance Questionnaire (QAQ) and Faculty Commitment Questionnaire (FCQ). The data were collected through correlation research method and were analyzed by applying Pearson r technique. The results of the study showed that (i) decision making style of academic managers were highly correlated with all components of faculty commitment and quality assurance. The major implication of the study is to develop a balanced rapport between academic managers and faculty. Fair exchange of ideas for decision making may positively strengthen the level of trust of faculty on universities to become more committed for the long-term growth and success of the universities.

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