اردو کی نثری اصناف(داستان، ناول اور افسانہ) میں معاشی تصورات کا جائزہ An Overview of Economic concepts in Urdu Prose Genres(Stories,Novels and Fiction) Section Articles


*صائمہ اقبال ,روبینہ کوثر**


Urdu fiction  has the power to express every knowledge and every philosophy. There is no branch of human life which has not been a place by literature and its expression has not been given a means. At the same time , the means of livelihood also changes. Our urdu prose writers have well described the various sources of livelihood and their impact on human life to their writings. The economic problems of the people and the class ups and downs are frequently mentioned in Urdu fiction ( Stories, Novels and Short Stories) because the greatest need of man for living is the means of livelihood. Without which man connot think of a good and peaceful life.This article presented an overview of economic concepts in Urdu Prose genres(Stories, Novels and fiction)



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