کانٹ کی فکر کے برصغیر کے ادب پر اثرات ( ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ ) THE IMPACT OF PHILOSOPHY OF KANT ON SUBCONTINENT LITERATURE: A RESEARCH STUDY Section English
This study is focused on impact of Emanual Kant on the subcontinent literature. Kant holds supreme position among German philosophers. His Western successors are recongnised as either his followers or his adversaries. Both Enlightenment and Romanicism are attributed to Kant. The impact of these Western movements is vivid in later subcontinent literature as well. A few works of Ghalib, Iqbal, Josh Maleehabadi and other literary figures presented in this study are a depiction of this impact. Romanticism in Urdu and Persian poetry of the subcontinent is primarily focused. From the examples and analysis of literary extracts presented in the study, the impact of phlilosophy of Kant on subcontinent literature is established.

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