اقبال شناسی میں خواتین کا حصہ(انگریزی کتب کے حوالے سے) THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN IQBAL SHANASI WITH REFERENCE TO ENGLISH BOOKS Section Urdu Literature


*Uzma Yasin


The purpose of this article is to through light on the role of women in Iqbaliyati criticism as well as to review critical and investigative books written in English by women writers on Iqbal's thoughts, Philosophy and Ideology. The major focus of the article is to critically review and determine the status of the literary criticism of books written in English by women writers. It is also a fact that most of the names, famous for Iqbal's understanding represent male community because the works done by women writers have not been acknowledged. Hence, the current article is important so far as role of women in this field is concerned. It is also be tried, through the present study, to present the contribution of women in Iqbal criticism in an organized manner which will open new vistas for researchers interested in understanding Iqbal.
