اردو سفرنامے میں سقوطِ ڈھاکہ کے تاریخی مضمرات HISTORICAL SECRETS OF DHAKA’S FALL IN THE URDU TRAVELOGUES Section Articles


*نجابت حسین **ڈاکٹرسید کامران عباس کاظمی


The separation and creation of Bangladesh is not just part of Pakistan’s history but that of south Asia as well. India has tried to spin its own historical and political narrative into it. The historical ramifications of the fall of Dhaka have become part of Urdu poetry, novels, short stories as well as travelogues. Although the impact of this important incident is mainly to be found in Asian Urdu Travelogues but its impact can also be seem in others. The Urdu travelers have unconsciously expressed their feeling and emotions. The writer with reference to the above mentioned incident, given at times passing references and a times detailed description. The introductory section of this research paper discusses the fall of Dhaka in its historical perspective. Then a step by step discussion on the cause is followed by a discussion of historical elements and ramifications. In short, Urdu Travelogue writers while discussing the historical ramifications and outcomes have adopted a critical perspective.
