EMERGENCE OF HELL IN THE WEST PAKISTAN-AFGHAN RELATIONS POST-9/11 ERA Emergence of Hell in the West - Pakistan-Afghan Relations Post-9/11 Era Section Articles
Since the emergence of Pakistan from the British India, the relations between the Afghanistan and Pakistan always detoriated due to various causes, such as insurgency from both sides, inference, crossborderig, blame gaming, Durand Line issue, Pashtoonistan issue, Language issue and many of other misunderstandings. This imperative study particularly shed light one the relations between the both countries during the post-9/11 era and explore how the both countries tried tried to develop the relations soon after the emergence of War on Terror in 2001, however, due to sum of misunderstandings these relations went worst. This research further explored the Pakistan’s initiating steps to develop the all-groups government in Afghanistan that failed, as well as high representatives visits of the both countries to develop the confedence between both the states, funneled the million of dollars to Afghanistan and other developments to enhance the relations. These all actions fall into hell due to insurgency and interventions from both sides.
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