اردو ناول کے اسلوب کی تشکیل میں مابعد جدیدیت کے عوامل کا کردار The role of postmodern factors in the formation of Urdu novel's ‎style Section Urdu Literature


رحمان سرور باجوہ,ڈاکٹر طاہر عباس, ڈاکٹر واصف اقبال صدیقی


The postmodernism is a historical period in which a ‎modern person has to survive. This era owns command ‎of media which makes changes in every walk of life. In ‎this respect the whole life of man is changed. Every ‎writer is inspired by his environment, so the language and ‎literature is also inspired to these changes. This article ‎seeks to investigate and evaluate the factors of ‎postmodernism and also depicts light on the significance ‎of these factors in constituting postmodern Urdu novel ‎text. This article asserts that literary movements, science ‎and destruction of war, acquaintance and media, ‎insignificance of religion, multinational or consumer ‎capitalism,‎‏ ‏exploitation system take part in mking of style ‎of postmodern Urdu novel‏.‏
