ناول "ابن الوقت "اور "بنت الوقت" کانوآبادیاتی تناظر میں تقابلی مطالع COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE NOVEL "IBN UL WAQT" AND "BINT UL WAQT" IN A COLONIAL CONTEXT Section Urdu Literature


ڈاکٹر نازیہ یونس


Deputy Nazir Ahmed groom Rashid ul Khairi both literaly and moraly that way a deep reflection of Deputy Nazir Ahmed’s personality is noticed in writing of Rashid ul Khair. Deputy Nazir Ahmed wrote novel “Ibnul Waqat” at the same time Rashid ul Khari wrote “Bintul Waqat” during British rule in subcontinent so both of these Novels carry deep imprint of Colonilism. In this article similarties and differences found in both Novels is reviewed. In this way a comparative analysis of both Novels in prespective back ground of colonialism is done.
