مزاحمتی شاعری میں حبیب جالب کا کردار THE ROLE OF HABIB JALIB IN RESISTANCE POETRY Section Urdu Literature


۱ ڈاکٹر محمد محسن (ساحل سلہری) ۲ ڈاکٹر مظہر اقبال (کلیار) ۳ ڈاکٹر عامر اقبال


The tradition of resistance poetry which started with the Muslim decline continued in the form of Habib Jalib after the establishment of Pakistan. Among the progressive poets, after Faiz, the effective voice is that of Habib Jalib. Faiz himself had called Habib Jalib a poet of the people. Habib Jalib raised his voice against social and class inequality and discrimination. He fought the political and social conditions of his country and the war for human rights throughout his life. He wanted to save the nation from oppression, barbarism and injustice. He was a supporter of communism. Habib Jalib never acknowledged the forces of exploitation and oppression. As a result, he was tortured several times and sent to prison. In his poetry, Habib Jalib promotes the equal distribution of resources among human beings, anti-imperialism, personal freedom and democracy. He protested against the wrong policies of the rulers. Habib Jalib,s poetry is based on truth and reality. He wrote down that he saw and and felt like the letter of truth. Habib Jalib was a true and upright poet. He used to speak the truth, but his words offended the rulers. He resisted all his life and became a way for future poets.
