سرائیکی ݙوہڑہ: (تعریف، نظریات اور اقسام)
Poetry is ingrained in the general mood of Siraiki Wasaib. Like the national language Urdu and other Pakistani languages, Siraiki language also has a reliable collection of literature of various genres which is popular due to its unique qualities. In Siraiki Language, “Dohra” has a special and unique popularity because there are some genres in the literature of language which make it a special identity of literature. An examination of the tradition of this genre reveals that it has been practiced in Siraiki poetry since ancient times. Evidence of this can also be seen in the “Rigveda”, the first available document of the area. In Terms of Form, subject matter and different forms of “Dohra” have been prevalent with the passage of time. This change in the “Dohra” has been a guarantee of its popularity and survival. Specific types of “Dohra” are mentioned in term of forms and subject matter which further explain on basis of its creation, breadth and shape.

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