مرزا غالب کی شاعری اور وحدتُ الوُجودی عناصر کا اظہار MIRZA GHALIB'S POETRY AND EXPRESSION OF THE UNITY OF EXISTENCE Section Urdu Literature


1. ایاز علی، پی ایچ ڈی ریسرچ اسکالر 2. پرویز احمد، پی ایچ ڈی ریسرچ اسکالر 3. گل محمد سہتو، ایم فل ریسرچ اسکالر


Some of the poems in Ghalib's poetry contain the theory of unity of existence. They have both generality and specialty. The ones that are characteristic are those that contain rational, logical and philosophical principles and the ones that are general are the ones that contain mystical beliefs. From which it is clear day by day that the presence of a few philosophical poems in the words of a poet is not the cause of his being a Wahdat-ul-Wujudi poet. Because Wahdat-ul-Wujud is not only a poetic theory but also a rational, Islamic, monotheistic and monotheistic belief. The concept is specific to intellect, mysticism and wisdom. This is a rational theory, it is inappropriate to call it Sufi.
