أثر القرآن في الكريم في اللغة العربية THE IMPACT OF HOLY QURAN ON THE ARABIC LANGUAGE ا Section Islamic Studies


الدكتور. أخلاق أحمد,الدكتور. سميع الله زبيري


The Noble Qur’an will remain lofty, and its miraculousness will remain standing, challenging the whole world with its eloquence and eloquence in terms of solid artistic style, with its scientific facts and various knowledge in terms of sciences and arts, and its enormous linguistic wealth that left the Arabic language in various topics and different axes as it bears in its lines proof of the loftyness of this book and the verse Because of his miraculousness as long as the world exists, so this language remains alive and prevailing among all the languages ​​of the world with pride and pride, thanks to this Noble Qur’an and its receipt of the lexicon that God sent down to it from heaven, and paved the way for progress and development as it swept the languages ​​of the world and replaced it with all strength, activity and dominance.

And God raised the status and glory of this Arabic language, as the whole world spoke it on the tongue of a generous messenger and an illiterate prophet who did not know writing or reading, that they all came with a surah like him, so they were all unable even though they were competing in the markets with eloquence and eloquence, and rising from every tribe a writer or poet speaks Replace him with poetry, prose, or similar advice to show his superiority with it.

This brief study presents a vision of the development and progress of the Quraish dialect, and the extent of the importance of Arab markets in its formation of a formal language, and its preference among the prevailing Arabic dialects, and thus the progress of the impact of the Holy Qur’an on its immortality and giving it a complete linguistic system to become a living and immortal language as long as the Holy Qur’an.
