مابعد نو آبادیات: تعارف،حدود او راہمیت POST COLONIALISM: INTRODUCTION, LIMITS AND IMPORTANCE Section Urdu Literature


حمد عمیر آصف, ڈاکٹر شفیق آصف,ڈاکٹر سید ارسلان عباس


This article gives a brief introduction of Post colonialism and dicusses the influence of post-colonialism on literary theory. It looks towards the reading of postcolonial text as a repository of sociological or historical information with its aesthetic dimension being put to one side as trivial and not essential to the communication of its social message. It suggests that this interpretive stance seems to contradict the notion of textual politics shaped by postcolonial theory and goes back to the question of what it means to respond to a work of literature as literature when the postcolonial qualifier enters the picture. The article also evaluates the value of the canonical literary text from a postcolonial perspective.
