ناول’’گراں‘‘ کی تفہیم مائیخل باختن کے لسانی فلسفے کی روشنی میں
“Mikhail Bakhtin has propounded a new theory of philosophy of language. The study in hand focused on congnition and the language of the novel pertaining to the philosophy of language. Bakhtin to has elucidated the stylistic features in his essay “Discourse in the Novel.” Different polyphonic units in author’s discourse divulge the sense of entirety. Regional, geographical and historical aspects are highlighted through creative lexemes, regional dialects, heteroglossia and dialogic approach in the novel. The discourse of Tahira Iqbal’s novel “Garaan” is the practical explanation of Mikhail Bakhtin’s philosophy of language. Every author has specific style at discursive level. Literary composition is the way of expressing language and narrative, which helps to create text by the selection of lexicons, syntax and semantics. In this article, the writing style of “Garaan” is the topic of discussion which unveils the cultural, political, social and ecnomic condition of Potohar.”

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