مادیت کے اخلاقی نظام پر اثرات Effects of materialism on the moral system Section Urdu Literature
Any element of the universe, which is observed by our external eye, is called matter. While materialism means love of material bodies, worldly pleasures, mental and spiritual decline. In general, we call matter the world and materialism the worldliness. When man becomes engrossed only in worldliness, he forgets his Lord, turns away from Him and loses the purpose of life. As materialism takes hold within the individual, society becomes unbalanced because the individual is the basis of society. Society depends on individuals. Society will be the same as the nature of individuals, which will have a direct impact on human life. Due to materialism, man becomes lonely individually and collectively deprives the whole society. When we use the word materialism as opposed to spirituality, it refers to people's beliefs, morals and character, ie almost all aspects of human life are affected by it and morality is related to every aspect of life, such as the hadith Mubarakah saying «الْبِرُّ حُسْنُ الْخُلُقِ»
"Righteousness is the good character"
This article gives a brief overview of the relationship between materialism and morality, the causes of the moral degradation of Muslim societies, and what are the vile morals that are born in man due to materialism? Man falls out of humanity and falls into such a state of humiliation that even animals are ashamed to look at him. Man forgets his benevolent parents, teachers, siblings, close relatives and loved ones, etc. In the fulfillment of his material desires, without fear of worldly and otherworldly consequences, he performs every lawful and unlawful deed, even killing his parents, raping young children, he considers them perfectly normal. It seems that such a moral decline has left pre-Islamic ignorance behind. How can a Muslim society return to its original state and how can these vile morals be remedied? Such moral issues are discussed in this article.

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