ترجمےکافن اور ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی کی ترجمہ نگاری THE ART OF TRANSLATION AND THE RENDERINGS OF DR. JAMIL JALBI (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE OF JANWARASTAN) Section Urdu Literature


فوزیہ شہزادی.ڈاکٹر محمدامجد عابد,پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محمدآصف اعوان,ڈاکٹر قربان علی.


Translation and discourse analysis are the best sources of uniformity and conformity among societies and civilizations regarding meanings, ideologies, concepts and beliefs. Dr. Jamil Jalbi transforms from English language to Urdu aphoristically with same sense of meaning and context. The Researcher has critically evaluated translation of George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm” in Urdu Language entitled “Janwarstan” by Dr. Jamil Jalbi where idioms, phrases, phrasal verbs and slangs have been transformed as Lingua Franca. The reader feels originality that is real sense of Dr. Jamil Jalbi. A sociological system allegorically has been revealed by the author and conveyed the 2nd language with contextual aspect of civilization. Political differences how run among societies are real theme and how the misuse of power handles the situations.
