جمیل احمد عدیل کے افسانوں میں مابعد الطبیعیاتی عناصر Metaphysical elements in the fiction of Jameel Ahmad Adeel Section Urdu Literature


1۔ ڈاکٹر محمد شفیق آصف,2۔ محمد عمیر آصف, 3 ۔تہنیت رباب


The metaphysics is an important branch of philosophy. Spirituality has a fundamental position in this domain. It deals with the internal and immaterial affairs of the world. Metaphysical elements can be found in world Literature. Significant features of the writings of seventeenth-century Western metaphysical writers and poets, such as John Dunn, George Herbert, Crouch, and Marvel. Jameel Ahmad Adeel also holds an important place in Urdu fiction in the sense that his fiction has a unique style. He has deep social consciousness as well as mythology, symbolism and allegorical references as part of his fiction. That is why the metaphysical elements in his fictions appear to add to the reader a new magical and spiritual realm. Jameel Ahmed Adeel has a strong sense of modern awareness in his fiction. Till date, he has explored and understood Elliott's ideas well, but they all serve as a background for the evolution of his consciousness and for the depth and maturity of his art.
