جدید سائنس اور تعلیمات نبویؐ کی روشنی میں صوتی آلودگی کا سدباب Preventive Measures for the Noise Pollution in the light of Modern Science and Holy Prophet (SAW) `s Teachings Section Urdu Literature
There are many types of environmental pollution. One of them is noise pollution. Sound is a very beautiful, charming and miraculous blessing of nature but when it exceeds the prescribed standard, it is called noise. The noisy environment causes nervous tension, restlessness and mood swings in people and they fall prey to many diseases. The increasing noise in the environment is a very disturbing problem. According to research reports, 34% of people in Pakistan suffer from depression. Ninety percent of suicides are due to depression. In densely populated areas, the pressure of noise has become so intense that people are slowly losing their mental and intellectual abilities. Extremely loud sounds are not only unpleasant for human beings but also harmful to all other living beings. The elements of noise pollution are not visible but its waves are a serious threat to human health. Noise pollution has become one of the considerable threats to humanity. People are neglecting noise pollution and not caring of it comparatively other types of pollution. Therefore, Noise pollution requires more attention. This research article explores negative and harmful effects harms of noise pollution. Noise pollution can be minimized and controlled by following the preventive measures in the light of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(SAW)`s teachings.
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