الترويح في ضوء السنة النبوية (دراسة تحليلية(


1. Dr Bashir ul Rehman, 2. Dr Sajjad Elahi


The Prophet peace be upon him is the best guide for the Ummah who guided them to everything that is beneficial for them in this world and the hereafter. His guidance is always of great wisdom, and among his guidance is the practice of recreational activities, the activities that a person does in his spare time for the pleasure and releasing oneself, achieving balance, renewing his energy and activity, reviving his abilities to work, and developing his mental, spiritual and physical faculties. Islam, as it emphasized on effort, diligence and the benefit of time, it also emphasized giving the soul rest and extroversion in line with the nature of man, it prohibited monasticism which is abandoning the world and asceticism in it, staying away from humans and devoting oneself solely to worship, and when the Prophet, peace be upon him, was told about a companion  Amr bin Al-Aas that he remains awake at night and fasts during the day, so he said: “Do not do that, get up, sleep, fast and break the fast”. if we look at the wisdom of sleep, it removes the fatigue of the day, the Almighty said: “And We have made your sleep a source of rest” (al-Nabaa:9), meaning cutting off movement to obtain relief from frequent work and striving for sustenance during the day. The Sunnah of the Prophet has large number of Ahadith that indicate the legitimacy of recreation, as specified rulings for it have also being mentioned, and we find from the fragrant biography of the Prophet that he peace and blessings be upon him, practiced various aspects of recreation, entertainment and permissible amusement, so he used to race, joke and so on. We also find that the Prophet’s recreation was not random, but aimed at lofty goals, the most important of which are: improving the movement of the body, revitalizing the body, saving the person from boredom, fatigue, anxiety, depression and congestion of chest as well as other painful feelings that cause disinterest in serious activities , just as through recreation the tolerance of Islam is observed that includes all aspects of life and not as some imagine that Islam does not entertains the concept of comfort and social space rather is a religion of violence and severity. The Messenger peace be upon him through his establishment of recreational activities whether through his personal involvement or his presence made the concept clear that Islam endorses the idea of recreation, social space and comfort and giving each person his right.
