عہد حاضر میں اقبال کے صوفیانہ افکار کا مطالعہ A STUDY OF IQBAL’S MYSTICAL THOUGHTS IN MODERN TIMES Section Urdu Literature
Sufism is the soul of the religion Islam and its highest standard where servant gets some secrets of knowledge of his lord of the world. When a servant becomes Sufi, he wears the veil of Devine commands and obedience to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the motto of his life is to make worship of Allah and service to the people, the motto of his life. Every step he takes in his life leads to the bliss of nearness to his creator and master. That is why from the beginning of Islam till today Muslim scholars, Sufis, thinker of self-analysis, has been the performing the duty of revival, survival, promotion and refinement of this important religious pillars. In modern times increasing scientific and material progress, the race of Capital and inconsistency of one's own have also affected the spirit of Sufism. Sufism now seems to characterized by more rituals in the society such as ignorance, selfishness and distance from Quran and Sunnah and correct belief. In these circumstances the scholarly and intellectual efforts of the poet of the East, Hakim- ul –Ummat Dr. Muhamamd Iqbal (may Allah have mercy on him) for the revival of sufism and promotion of sufism are certainly worthwhile and enviable. This article discussed about the some points of mystical thoughts in his poetry in the light of which the solution of contemporary problems of Sufism.

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