اسلام کا یکساں نظام ِ زکوٰۃ اور اس کے اصول و فوائد UNANIFORMATY OF ZAKAWT SYSTEM IN ISLAM AND ITS BENIFITS Section Urdu Literature
Introduction Zakat is an important religious duty and it is also an act of worship and the third most important of the basic tenets of Islam. Prayer and Zakat are mentioned together in 27 places in the Holy Quran. Zakat is also a financial act of worship and it is a part of society for the poor which is prescribed by Allah Almighty for the wealthy people. It is the duty of the rich man to determine from the wealth of the rich that the rich have no right to the poor. Rather, the rich man should be thankful that Allah Almighty gave him wealth and provided for the welfare of the poor and the needy and the needy. Allah Almighty created the universe and bestowed upon man the honor of the noblest of creatures and then divided mankind into different classes and made each class obligated to its proper commands. If all the people of the world were from the same class, then this system of beauty of the world would not be running smoothly. Allah Almighty, by His wisdom, placed each class on a particular path and placed the other class on another path, and in fulfilling the needs of each one, He placed it above the other, thus establishing the connection of each class with the other. The wind and the fulfillment of the needs established a system of cooperation and love, from which the pacifist order of the universe is still alive today. When Allah Almighty on the one hand created the class of the rich and the rich, on the other hand He also created the class of the poor and the needy. The poor and educated that your eyes should be on your Creator instead of wealth and riches which is the pleasure of all. Will say in the same way, Allaah has entrusted the wealthy with the right to the poor in your wealth, and it is your religious and moral duty to provide them with the house. It has also been determined that meeting the needs of the poor is a religious duty of the rich, and the fulfillment of this duty has been perfected and spent by Allah Almighty. And the beggars, as trustees, to convey to them the right of the poor out of the wealth given to them by Allaah, and these poor people are as respectable to the rich as respecting the mosque for performing the obligatory prayers. Is required in this way, the poor are also respected because they are the solution to the obligation of Zakat. Zakat is one of the third most important pillars of Islam, as evidenced by the text of the Quran. Uniform means paying Zakat in the same way.
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