أهمية توظيف علم التنمية البشرية في الدعوة إلى الله دراسة وصفية تحليلية “The importance of Implications of Human Resource Development in Da’wah- A Descriptive and Analytical Study” Section Islamic Studies
Human Resource Development has been very common in contemporary world and scholars have presented various perspectives and theories that lead to change, performance and improvement along with creating the opportunities and freedom of choice. It is basically a struggle for the well-being through learning different life skills related to personal, interpersonal, professional and managerial development in different aspects among different people at different times within any organization or outside it for betterment of their living standards, improvement of the quality of their lives and to achieve success and happiness. Allah has created humans with innate quality to differentiate between good and evil and to strive for their well-being but they are unable to achieve perfection. So, they are in dire need of some extra ordinary guidance. For this purpose, Allah has sent Prophets with the light of revelation to show the path of the ultimate success and happiness. This research “The importance of Implications of Human Resource Development in Da’wah” highlights the Western and Islamic perspectives of HRD and its importance in various fields, especially in Da’wah (call towards Allah) with reference to its objective, elements and practice. The descriptive and Analytical research methodologies have been used in this study.
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