بہار ایجادی بیدل ؔ اوررحمان باباؒ کا تصور ِمرگ و حیات THE CONCEPT OF LIFE AND DEATH NEAR BAHAR IJADI BEDIL AND RAHMAN BABA Section Urdu Literature


۱۔ڈاکٹر مظہر احمد, ۲۔محمد طاہر بوستان خان, ۳۔ ڈاکٹر انور علی


The Quran at several places discusses the issue of death. Death is inevitable. No matter how much people try to escape death, it will reach everyone. "Again, those who deny resurrection and after life, and thus challenge Allah, The Quran challenges them by saying that why these people then do not put back the soul which has reached the throat of the dying person and as about to escape the body?" Both Bahar Aijadi Bedil and Rahman Baba shar the same concept about life and death. Both these great poets have reached the acme of Philosophy. They are convinced on this argument that a pious Muslim is not harmed by death in any way. Rahman Baba invokes his readers about the temporary nature of worldly life, rare as Bedal entertains this common thought. We believe in this reality that life is short live, we get the impression that through their concept they strive to strengthen our faith about both life and death. in order to be Fairless of the life after death, we must carry out good deeds during our lifetime. This research article highlights the positive aspects of life and death.
