شرح " بعض الناس"المذكور في الجامع الصحيح للبخاري رحمه الله مطالعة تحقيقيّة۔باب الشھادات
There are several sources of Islamic law, some of them are primary sources and others are secondary sources. Hadith is one from primary sources. It is an important and second primary source of Shariah and Islam. At the time of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) till third century many scholars compiled hadith in different ways. One of them is Al Jamay Al Sahih which is compiled by fomous scholar Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ismail known as Imam Bukhari. It is the first book of the chain of siha e sitta( Six Most authentic books). Imam Bukhari adopts unique methodology to compile Ahadith. In this book he describes not only text of Ahadith along with he describes commentaries of other scholars. In this book he used specific term ”Baad an naas” in his Saheeh at twenty seven times in his book. The purpose of this research is to explain the views of Imam Bukhari about this term in the chapter of Testimony (Shahdah)

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