The present study scrutinizes the discourse of the subject novel as a specific case to unveil the sexual violence in western countries. It is based on the scrutiny of the ratio and frequency of rape and abduction cases in USA in general and in America in specific. The framework that has been chosen for analyzing and interpreting the text of the novel in order to explore the themes of rape and abduction is the theoretical 3D model of Norman Fairclough. This model works on three basic levels i.e. the first one being textual analysis, the second is interpretation and the third is explanation that only deals with socio cultural practices shown under the garb of the text or the words. The first section of textual analysis has dealt only with three things i.e. lexicology, metaphors and intertextuality. The whole thesis has been split into several chapters for the ease of the readers. Several facts and figures have been included in order to clarify the aggravating situation related to abduction and rape in America and USA. The results have been drawn on the basis of statistics. This novel has not been explored previously so the recommendations provide the readers with a wide range of vistas to work upon in order to explore it further in different dimensions. But the researcher in this research has tried her best to cover each and every aspect of the novel under the perspective of 3D model of Fairclough in the field of CDA and the researcher has tried to support results from the facts and figures in order to generate flawless results. Furthermore, the research is purely qualitative so there is no interaction with human subject and there is no dealing with any type of questionnaires interviews etc. But some statistical data is included only to throw some light on the fact of ever increasing rate of the crime of sexual harassment, rape and abduction in Western countries specifically in America.
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