The current article deals with the difficulties related to the cultural and linguistic diversity in ESL instructions in the Pakistani Universities. Using a framework that focuses on the influences on learning, the educational experiences of learners from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds are examined. We know that diversity is influencing everything and education is not out of that frame. The ESL teachers must be familiar with the current and upcoming changes in the socio-cultural firmament and linguistic patterns. In order to positively influence the academic success and learning processes of English second language learners, they must be educated, skilled in various areas of language coaching, as well as aware of the sociopolitical issues surrounding them and their own personal sociocultural consciousness (Greenfield, 2013). However, it is now strongly advised that more focus be given to cultural material besides other forms of diversity, cultural diversity is a crucial aspect of the acquisition process (Abu-Alyan, 2011). This essay focuses on how variation and its challenges are evident in the speech, learners’ level, cultural, and educational institutions themselves in ESL learning nations. Diversity does not exist without challenges. It resulted in the issues of modification, verbal placement, agreement, and pronoun placement for which teachers can play a good role to use multiple strategies to overcome these errors of ESL learners in Pakistan.
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