حبیب جالب ؔاور اجمل خٹکؔ کا تصورِ انقلاب THE REVOLUTIONAL IDEOLOGY OF HABIB JALIB AND AJMAL KHATTAK Section Urdu Literature


۱۔محمد طاہر بوستان خان, ۲:ڈاکٹر مظہر احمد, ۳۔ڈاکٹرعابدعلی


Habib Jalib entertains a great status when it comes to Urdupoetry. During his life time, he passed through a series of oppression and imprisonment, however nothing could shake of his determination. Similarly, Ajmal Khattak has the almost equal contribution towards Pashto poetry. We will highlight a comparative study of the contribution of both  Habib  Jalib and Ajmal  Khattak in Urdu and Pashto respectively. Regarding the thought and artistic value both these great poets have introduced new fields in the realm of Urdu and Pashtopoetry. Their services will always be remembered by the readers and critics of Urdu and Pashto literature. Habib Jalib and Ajmal  Khattak  hold a vital place in their respective languages. Both of them stood against aristocratic of their era. As a consequence of which they had to face many hardships like imprisonmentetc. Both of them talk the language of the common people. Due to this revolutionary struggle these both still beat in the heart of the people.
