
Gulraiz Qadir Gulfam,Dr. Wasim Hasan,Azhar Munir Bhatti


Metaphor means understanding something with the help of something else that means saying something indirectly. In this process, human cognition activates the meaning and the listeners comprehend the concept by attaching it with the frame of experience which is already made in the mind and become the part of human cognition. The concept of Cognitive metaphor was given by Lakoff and Johnson in 1980, in which they proposed that human thinking is in the form of metaphors. Since the inception of the theory, there were many critiques offered by different scholars and some of the criticism was answered by the proponents of the theory and some of them were answered by other researchers. In the current study, the author has chosen library research method to understand the concept itself and the objections raised against the theory so the comprehension of the theory could be materialized. The current study was conducted to review the objections raised against cognitive metaphor theory and the answers offered by different research scholars in their works. For the current research 5 important research studies was reviewed in terms of objections and their answered for cognitive metaphor theory.



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