This paper aims at investigating the writing challenges faced by ESL learners in Pakistan, surveying previous research studies as the basis. In Pakistan English is taught as a second language. ESL learners often confront numerous difficulties in their writing proficiency. The existing research literature reveals that ESL learners in Pakistan encounter several common obstacles, namely, grammar, vocabulary, coherence, cohesion spelling mistakes, interlingual and intralingual errors, cultural disparities. The findings demonstrate that grammar continues to be a significant hurdle, as learners struggle with intricate grammatical structures, verb tenses, and subject-verb agreement. Their limited vocabulary and struggle to locate suitable words impede their ability to express ideas effectively. Additionally, organizing their writing coherently and structuring their sentences present challenges for ESL learners. Thus, the dissimilarities in culture and rhetoric between English and the learners' native language impact their writing style and organization. The study underscores the significance of targeted instructional strategies in addressing these challenges. It proposes the incorporation of explicit grammar instruction, lexical growth exercises, writing strategies focusing on organization, and the provision of authentic writing tasks. By addressing these challenges, ESL learners in Pakistan can enhance their writing skills and attain higher proficiency in English.
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