جیلانی کامران کی شاعری: ایک ثقافتی مطالعہ JILANI KAMRAN'S POETRY: AN INTRODUCTION OF CULTURAL EXPRESSIONS AND NEW ARTISTIC STYLE Section Urdu Literature
This article investigates the significance of Jilani Kamran’s cultural perspectives and their crucial role in understanding his poetry۔ It emphasizes that a poet’s cultural tradition is integral to their comprehension۔ Jilani Kamran، influenced by the Islamic Persian tradition، introduces a fresh expression style in Urdu poetry۔ His poems embody a unique creative vision، interwining the spiritual concepts of Islam with the cultural sentiments of humanity۔ Going beyond the material aspects، Kamran’s work explores the spiritual significance of the universe، employing imagination and emotional connections۔ Drawing inspiration from English poets and Sufi traditions، he blends diverse dimensions to create a distinctive voice in contemporary Urdu literature۔ His poetry showcases a deep understanding of the unknown، offering profoun Jilani Kamran's Poetry: An Introduction of Cultural Expressions and New Artistic Styled insights into human existence and the mysteries of life۔
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14۔ ایضاً،ص ۱۳۱