اُردو ادب میں تانیثیت کی مختصر روایت اور ارتقا A BRIEF HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF FEMINISM IN URDU LITERATURE. Section Urdu Literature
The concept of feminism is clearly defined as a movement for women’s socio-economic and political rights. It is a philosophy of life and way of thinking. Feminism is also a practical activism. This concept took a sharp rise during 20th century in both East and the West. It is a school of thought and its influence can be seen on every walk of life and every field of life. It is evident in arts, sociology, politics and literature too. We have been watching wide ranging gender discrimination from centuries on. The basic theme of feminism is to eliminate gender discrimination and achieving equal status for women. During the nineteenth century the wave of feminism was observed in subcontinent. Feminist literary work developed and it was appreciated by the readers. Urdu literature is conveying all the aspects of feminist philosophy and it is expected that more writers will emerge on this horizon.
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