جدید سیرت نگاری …… مقدمہ سیرت الرسولؐ (جلد اوّل، دوم) Modern biographical …… the case of Sirat-ul-Rasool (Vol. I, II) Section Urdu Literature


وحید عزیز,ڈاکٹر ناصر بلوچ


Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri has shed light on the migration to Madinah and the establishment of the state in the aforementioned volume of Sirat-ul-Rasool. There is no doubt that the establishment of the state of Madinah had introduced mankind to a new welfare direction, the principles and constitutions formulated at the time of the establishment of this state had surprised the human mood. The story of brotherhood and self-sacrifice that was practically compiled by the people of faith had no precedent in human history. The practical model of religious values ​​was in the foundations of this state. Dr. Tahar-ul-Qadri has described the political vision of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) in terms of the state, how he focused on internal and external affairs and gave laws to the entire world to run the system with his brilliant decisions
