حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام کی موت کی اطلاع: شکوک وشبہات کا جائزہ The Announcement of the Death of Prophet suleman (peace be upon him): An Examination of Doubts and Ambiguities Section Islamic Studies
Hazrat suleman was the son of sayedna dawood as and heir of his father. He was held such a great position of kingship where human and jinnat were obedient of him and he was knowing the language of birds. The means and resources needed tp govern were all available to you, You were having the jin to build the bait al muqaddas when you died, He [as] on a stick when the death sentence was pronouced,hazrat suleman [as] was on the support of the stick when the death sentence was pronouced and he remained standing till the tirmite stared eating his stick and finally it fell down due to the breaking of the stick and suleman [as] also fell down, At that time peaple thought that jinn have the knowledge of unseen, maybe some of great jinn claim it also,but allah kept the death of suleman[as] secret and made it clear that if jinn have knowledge of unseen had it been so, After the death of suleman [as] they would not have been engaged in that kind of hard work, There are many sayings of commentators on the extent to which suleman [as] stood on the stick. In which there are syings ranging from one month to two years, and then there is a question rises that the prophet and such a great ruler of the time could have remained unaware of the affairs of there subjets for so long whereas human needs are with him. There are many answers for this question, the conclusion is that, it is possible no one ccan come to see you because of your fear and glory. According to some ahadees, you lived solitude for many years for worship of God, so no one knew. Some said that the jinn did not knew while the people had already been informedbt suleman [as] and the peaple were waiting metter to be clearfied. I say that this matter is based on wisdom of aALLAH and the miricle of the prophet, and the miricles are not related to the nature, so when we cal it miricle then the question will not remainand and it became clear that the purpose was not to cover the death of suleman [as] but to deny thw knowledge of the unseen of the jins.

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