Quality of Education between Government and Private Schools at Primary Level in District Okara.
The major goal of this research is to compare the effectiveness of Private and Government Schools at the primary level in the District Okara. The descriptive survey method was used. Students' data was gathered. Three hundred ninety-four students took part in this study. The questionnaires were delivered to students from both Private and Government Schools using a random sampling technique. In the quantitative data, five-number Likert Scales were used. Thus, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was conducted. The results indicate that there is a significant positive relationship among study variables. Moreover, the independent sample t-test analysis was also conducted to examine the mean difference with respect to the quality of education among public and private institutes. The results highlight that there is no significant mean difference in the value of learning and understanding others in public and private institutes. However, a significant mean difference has been observed in effective practice, teacher’s temperament, student’s physical safety, sense of belonging, student-teacher relationship, academic press, engagement in school, appreciation for diversity, and perseverance and determination. The implications of the study suggest that private institutes tend to excel in various aspects such as effective practice, student's physical safety, sense of belonging, student-teacher relationship, academic press, engagement in school, appreciation for diversity, and perseverance and determination, while public institutes show strength in teacher's temperament. These findings highlight the importance of considering the institutional context and practices in fostering positive educational outcomes for students.

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