The present research explores English language assessment at BS level and suggests possible solutions to different academic problems. In modern electronic era, with the rapid economic and social development of Pakistan, there has been a large influx of Pakistani students into English- speaking countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom etc. The present study includes population of 300 students of BS (4 years) program of Islamia University Bahawalpur. Two instruments have been used to collect data from ESL Learners of IUB. These instruments are English Language Proficiency Test (ELTP) and Attitude Motivation Scale (AMS). To collect data from ESL Learners, an English Language Proficiency Test (ELTP) has been developed for BS Level Students to measure English language proficiency and assessment of IUB students. In this study, a five- point Likert type scale has been used. Findings claimed that overall students exposed their keen interest in English language learning by recording responses through English Language Proficiency Test (ELTP) and questionnaire. Similarly, the students belonging to urban areas performed better than the students belonging to rural areas. The attitudes and motivation towards English language of IUB students were more positive and goal oriented. In the same way, the attitudes and motivation towards learning English language of urban students were more positive as compared to rural students. This research study may be beneficial to curriculum development reviewers, textbook, writers/ reviewers, working and perspective teachers to promote standard based education.

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