The mediating effects of self-concept and social identity between peer relations and delinquency illustrate the complex interplay of psychological factors in adolescent behavior. Peer relations significantly impact self-concept and social identity. Positive peer relationships foster a positive self-concept and a strong, pro-social social identity, acting as protective factors against delinquency. In contrast, negative peer influences can erode self-esteem, promote delinquent behavior, and influence social identity in harmful ways, increasing the risk of delinquency. Understanding these mediating effects is vital for effective interventions that promote positive peer relations, healthy self-concept development, and pro-social, social identities to reduce adolescent delinquency. This study examined the mediating effects of self-concept and social identity between peer relations and delinquency among adolescents. Sample of 498 adolescents (218 females and 280 male) from different colleges of Mian Channu City was taken through convenient sampling using survey research design. Their age range was between 18-22 years old. Correlation and regression analysis were performed to compile the results on SPSS. Results showed that peer relation has significant positive correlation with delinquency behavior among adolescents; and self-concept plays mediating role between peer relation and delinquency. Peer relation is positively correlated with social identity, which is weak predictor of delinquency among adolescents. Social identity played no mediating role between peer relation and delinquency.

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